
My Existence

Sitting in the semi dark of my apartment, I try to remember how it all got so out of hand. When did my family take a turn for the worst? Some say writing is theraputic, I disagree. In some ways I disagree. On one hand writing it down is just a way to constantly relived all the fucked up situations at this point. Also, on the other hand, it's a way the dissect the situation and evaluate it, attempting to make sense of it. I've chosen to do a little of both. Perhaps at this point i should count my blessings:
I have a home
I am continuing my education
I have my health
I have some family who I can depend on (opposed to none)
I have a job
I have my Grandmother
I have books to read (and I can read them)
I feel that I am loved and I love 
I have food to eat
Even though I am alone, I know the ancestors walk with me; guide me and keep me.
I have music.
So, even though my life might seem crazy, I have plenty to be thankful for.
-Thank you master for my soul

Shontrice R. Williamson

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