
Free Write 9/18/09

S. Ma'at: Now Shontrice, How tired are we of you "saying" what your going to accomplish shit? How tired are are we fantasizing about writing a book? traveling? Of marrying Idris Alba?


Shontrice: I know! I know! it'sjust that my dreams fell better when they're in my head. In my head i can't fail. in my head i always win. I see my victory.


S.Ma'at: Okay but everything you want will always be in your head. Never to come into reality, is that what you want? To forever dream? Never do?


Shontrice: I will always dream. I always piece together what is i want in my mind before i act, playing out scenarios before i jump in into the fire. Don't you?


S. Ma'at: Well of course. But only for so long. the pain of not accomplishing makes me ache, and my eyes water; don't you fell the pain Shontrice?


Shontrice: Sometimes


S.Ma'at: Quit lying you fell it all the time. When you drop a class you KNOW you need to graduate, when you use you siblings as a crutch, when you stay in the apartment for days and turn down advances because of  fear of disappointment. Oh you fell it. That undescribable itch or twitch when you don't complete the goals you set out..that me trying to get your attention.


Shontrice: How can you be so sure?


S.Ma'at: I'm sure because you are sure. I know these things because you know these things.


Shontrice: What if i told you I'm afraid


S.Ma'at: I would say to you, so am i.  But that will never stop my progress, the creator built me to overcome obstacles. I am because you are, you are because i am

Shontrice: Who are you?

S.Ma'at: votre âme

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